Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Key To Fahrenheit 451

Frustrated by slow reading progress in class?

Desperate to find out what happens to Clarisse?

Curious about how Montag's world got to be the way it is?

Or are you just a mega-nerd who loves reading?


Friday, May 8, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Life After the EOC

In short, it goes on.

Tomorrow, classes will hold a Socratic Circle Discussion activity, in which students will have the opportunity to chat with each other about the issues they found important in R&J.

Love vs lust? Death? The power of visible light? And whose fault are these dead kids? And does fate even exist at all? Why do we still gotta read this play, anyway?

These topics, and more! will feature prominently tomorrow.

Here is a link to the HW document: a question preparation guide, with a reminder about Blooms Taxonomy.  Bring it to class, and be prepared to talk: perhaps by asking a pertinent question, or responding to a topic being discussed.

But tomorrow's not the day to be quiet and hang back. #realtalk

Monday, May 4, 2015

EOC Review Materials from Class!

Contains: 2 Powerpoints, 18 handouts ("sheets")
Size: Around 4.5 mb

Feel free to browse what you need.

See you tomorrow. Get some sleep, have a bite to eat for breakfast.

Do not come and ask me for coffee. That is for me.