Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Beginning Romeo & Juliet!!

Time to start the play!

Firstly, classes signed up for the roles they're reading for Act I. Here is who is going to read which roles:

Then, we read aloud (with many stops for explanations) up to at least the end of Scene i.

Wanna read the play, but not carry around your textbook? The whole thing (with modern english translation) is available on SparkNotes.
I recommend this as a resource, and to enhance understanding, but Mrs. Syes and I will only be using the original Shakespearean text on tests and quizzes during this unit.

Wanna read along with voice actors? The whole play, read aloud, is available on YouTube.

"But wait wait! I'm the kind of student who wants to write notes!! Can I have a study guide???"
Yes of course. Also, I can print you one in class, just ask!

HW: Bring your textbook to class so we can continue to read the play!
Also Remember that Membean is going on! We're in week 2 right now

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